Y U J U !
+ packaging design
+  P R O J E C T  N A M E   YUJU!
+  R O L E   Graphic Design · Packaging Design
+   D A T E    2017
Line of 100% vegan yoghurts from Danone designed especially for kids aged 5 to 10.
The name 'YUJU' combines "YOGHURT" and "JUEGO" (game) in Spanish, capturing the playful spirit of the product.
Each yoghurt pot features a cute and colourful monster face with big, playful eyes, making snack time a fun adventure. These pots are not only snacks but also double as toys for kids to enjoy.
Made in collaboration with Tamara Segura & Soha Savant and tutored by Rubén Miramontes & Jordi Almuni for Elisava (Master's Degree in Packaging Design).

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