C O L E C T I   C A C T I
+ art direction   + packaging design
+  P R O J E C T  N A M E   Colecti Cacti
+  R O L E   Art Direction · Graphic Design · Packaging Design
+   D A T E    2018
Say goodbye to plastic pots and bags, and hello to a new, sustainable solution for cacti enthusiasts: 12 modular cardboard blocks that are not only eco-friendly but also practical for transportation.
These modular blocks, each with its own unique colour, come with fiber strings for easy carrying and can be arranged comfortably next to each other to create a colourful collection. The visually appealing colours allow for a personalised touch, whether that means creating a rainbow of hues or grouping colours together according to the buyer's taste.
What sets this design apart is its innovative approach to cacti care – each block is printed with the days of the week on two sides, so the person can easily know which side should be exposed to sunlight.
Made in collaboration with Tamara Segura and tutored by Jon Marín for Elisava (Master's Degree in Packaging Design).

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